Organic Olive Oil of Acushla

Olive oil is naturally produced by extracting the juice of olives. Only this already makes it a product naturally produced without the inclusion of any additive in the production.

Apart from this particular factor common to any olive oil, there are the organic olive oils such as those produced in Acushla, which are different from the others because there are not used any chemical at any time during the growth of the trees and olives.

Acushla has olive oils extracted from a variety of native olive trees from Trás-os-Montes – Cobrançosa, Madural, Verdeal and Cordovil. It is considered a balanced olive oil, medium fruity with a slightly bitter and peppery finish. It presents a yellowish green colour.^6477A9BECFC355260560B0F60840929D72552F9903F1DC92C0^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr

From the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) of Trás-os-Montes, Acushla is a high-quality extra virgin olive oil with a low acidity. Beyond the excellent texture and flavour, Acushla is recommendable from a nutritional point of view, and reveals in all its production stages a distinctive environmental concern. It is ideal to taste raw for dipping bread or drizzling over salads, as well as for finishing dishes and also as an healthy ingredient for cooking almost any dish.

In addition to premium quality of the extra virgin olive oil, Acushla stands out for the elegance and distinct design of its packaging. To be stunning and singular, to promote the perfect preservation of olive oil and to enhance the functional aspect are the three unconditionally variables took in account in the development of our packaging.

Being the light one of the main causes of olive oil oxidation, Acushla bets on a packaging that ensures light full block and allows the perfect preservation of all the sensory characteristics of Acushla. Everything to make their passion reach you with intensity and excellence.

Visit our site and explore the products of Acushla.

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